Wednesday, March 22, 2006

This blog is designed to encourage conversation among the people of the Diocese of Southern Ohio before, during and after General Convention 2006. We've asked deputies and members of the local arrangements committee to post items here as we prepare to host the Episcopal Church in Columbus. We've used this prayer to guide our preparations:

By your eternal word, O God, you call all things into being and fill them with your goodness. Be with your church gathering in convention by your calling in the coming days; fill it with your wisdom and your love, empower it with abiding courage and patience, sustain it through your spirit to carry out the decisions made in council; and in all things, grant that we in Southern Ohio may greet the sojourner and the stranger at General Convention in a manner worthy of your son Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose name we pray. Amen.

We encourage respectful conversation and faithful reflection about General Convention. The site will be regularly monitored and edited, if necessary.

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